Please click the title to read the message from us regarding recent information posted about our school on social media. I ask that you feel free to pass this on to all future families of the St. Anthony-St. Paul community.
This is a note to inform you on June 3rd, 2023 at 10:00, in the Parish church, we will be having a mass for Sr. Dottie, Sr. Lynn, Cathy Henn, and Dr. Adam to wish them well on their retirement.
We are back on Facebook! Want to quickly see select pictures, get notified about events, or just want even more St. Anthony? Our Facebook is brushing off its dust- we'd love to see more members!
Need to be caught up on your shots and immunizations? The Rockland County Department of Health is offering free Immunization Clinics! Open for more information!
The Dominican Sisters of Sparkill ran a Food Drive for those in need. St. Anthony students and families amazingly stepped up to help- with an impressive turnout!
On Monday, January 30th the Albertus Visual Art Department and the Catholic Schools’ Week Planning Committee kicked off the week with a Catholic Schools’ Art Show & Contest. We are incredibly proud to announce that two of our students are winners!
"During the Great Jubilee, Steve Bollman experienced a personal call to found a ministry dedicated to the renewal of marriage and family life." Each Wednesday you too can learn about the obstacles men face to living as authentic men and how to overcome such obstacles, as well as other topics.
St. Anthony School supports Meals on Wheels. Each year our students make blizzard boxes for the homebound. In December 2022 we collected 105 boxes. Great job St. Anthony students!!
John Flaherty, former Yankee, St. Anthony Alumnus 1. St. Anthony's alumnus Question: You’ve kept a close relationship with St. Anthony’s in Nanuet, where you attended grades 1 through 8. The school has brought you back to speak to the students and they've raffled off your donated items to raise money. What was special about your time there? Answer: One of the things my parents did a great job with and also my sister and brothers was keeping me grounded and remembering where you came from. When I think about where I came from, it's St. Anthony's Parish and St. Anthony's School. It's the foundation from a Catholic faith standpoint that was the rock of our family. And the education there was the foundation for moving on to St. Joe's and later to GW. Sister Daniel Catherine and former pupil John Flaherty at St. Anthony School in Nanuet, where she was honored for 45 years of service. (Photo: Submitted)
St. Anthony 2021 Graduates received over $50,000.00 from their prospective high schools. Congratulations to all! Academy of the Holy Angels- Albertus Magnus- Don Bosco Prep- Immaculate Heart Academy -Paramus Catholic- Saint Joseph Regional